Supply Chain Notification

Dear Stone Customer,

Our truss plate supplier has informed us that a worldwide steel shortage is severely impacting product availability, shipping lead times and material costs. To review the letter from MiTek that explains the truss plate environment in detail, please click here. You are receiving this communication to inform you of the latest supply chain shortage.

We anticipate the steel shortage will last through at least the next couple of quarters, if not longer, as demand for steel increases with economic improvement and the auto industry works through their backlog of orders caused by the semiconductor chip shortage.

The construction supply chain continues to be strained by material shortages, strong demand, transportation issues, and reluctance of manufacturers and mills to bring on more supply. We understand the challenges our builders are facing and we are urgently working to mitigate supply issues in any way we can. 

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts we anticipate the truss plate shortage will have some effect on our truss production capacity, lead times and design. Steps we will be taking to mitigate the steel shortage include diligently working to optimize available plate inventory when designing, and prioritizing our truss production for existing customers.

We will do our utmost to keep everyone up to date on the status of the truss plate shortage as well as any other supply chain issues that could affect your business. We thank you for your understanding and for being a valued Stone Truss customer. 


Charlie Signorino
Vice President

UPDATE May 5, 2021: View this document here

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