The Many Shapes of Roof Trusses–Gables

Wood trusses San Diego

There are many different shapes and styles of roof trusses, and what you choose will depend on your specific building needs.  Some shapes are more suitable for certain applications than others.  You will also want to choose your roof trusses based on the look you want for your structure.  It can be difficult to choose … Read more

Truss vs. Rafter: The True Difference

There is a great deal of discussion about the best type of framing system to use for new construction and renovation.  Is it a trussed roof or stick-built rafters?  The answer may surprise you! Advantages of a Trussed Roof over Rafters Trussed roofs hold many advantages over rafters, including: The strength of trusses over rafters … Read more

Why Roof Trusses Are a Better Bargain than Rafters

Truss Builder San Diego

Many people who search for a “truss company near me” are not only trying to find the fastest way to put up a building’s roof, but are also interested in saving money and time.  Roof trusses help builders save labor costs, but they are also simply quicker to install and cheaper in overall cost than … Read more

The Power of Trusses to Create Quality Construction

One of the most common reasons that builders use wooden trusses for roofing and flooring applications is the fact that they are stronger and sturdier than many other types of construction applications.  With the power of cutting costs as well as the ability to create strong, quality construction products, the initial investment in trusses is … Read more